Pins + Needles
Marking Tools
Measuring Tools
Pressing Tools
Kids Sewing Notions
EverSewn Magnetic Pin Catcher with Storage Drawer
LED Needle Threader
1/2in White Knit Elastic 1-1/2yd 4/box
Fusible Knit Stay Tape .5in Extremely Fine Black36
Fusible Knit Stay Tape 1in Extremely Fine Black 67
Fiskars 7" Student Sewing Scissors
Needle Grabbers 2ct
Clover Straight Tailor's Awl
Miyako Leather Bag Handle
Dritz EZY Hem Gauge
6" x 1", 8ths Graph Ruler
Chakoner Chalk Refill
All Natural Beeswax
Hera Fabric Marker
Leather Sashiko Thimble
Eversewn Easy Twist Hoop
Kyoto Leather Handle with Rings
Bamboo Point Turner and Presser
Clover Chacopy Tracing Paper
One inch Metal D-Rings
Schmetz Microtex Sharp Sewing Machine Needles, Size 12/80
Curved Awl
Clover Gold Eye Sashiko Needles
Black Grosgrain Ribbon by the yard, 1 inch, 25mm
Elastic by the yard, Braided Elastic, 1/4" (6.35mm)
14mm Magnetic Snaps, 3 Pack Set
Clover Seam Ripper
Clover Chacopel Fabric Marking Pencil Set
Clover Shiro Spring Tape Measure